Best of 2006 HNT

This is your chance to vote for your favourite HNT of 2006. We’ve chosen 16 HNTs, all you have to do is vote for your favourite and it’ll be re-published next Thursday.

 Click this link to vote


Then you could always vote for me here too 🙂 .


13 thoughts on “Best of 2006 HNT

  1. I voted for “Hold These” Something about the softness of the breasts and the shiny gloves really appealed to me. They’re all very beautiful and sexy though!

    HHNT and Happy New Year!


  2. they’re all great – and I loved ‘Hold These’ as well – but I actually voted for ‘Biker Girl’! happy hnt, Alex & Suze, and a very happy 2007 to you both as well :).


  3. Aw, I can’t vote for more than one? They’re all so great. My faves were Secretary and Vampyre — I cast my vost for Vampyre. Happy HNT and Happy New Year!

  4. suze, I picked the one of your hair and eyes…you are positively beautiful. You and Alex have been invaluable to me. I mean that.

    My daughter helped me pick gifts for people from the uk…email if you wanna know.


  5. I voted AND clicked on you at 25 peeps. So there! LOL Loved the retrospective Suze. All were sexy as hell. HHNT and Happy New Years sweetie.

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