54 thoughts on “One In The Hand … HNT

  1. excellent, as always. I’d say ‘one in the hand is better than two in the bush’, but I’m thinking that wouldn’t be true! haha. happy hnt! x

  2. holy instant orgasm batman…damn woman, everytime I come over here I get the down under shakes.

    Now I know I am a complete crackhead. I commented last night this morning whatever….hmmm

    I have to do that again repeatedly…maybe something else magical will happen! 😉

  3. I’m…. I’m….speechless… And we thought Alex was too shy to show up for HNT… He looks to be standing mighty proud and “out there” right now. 😉


  4. Word up Suze!

    I see your still up to the usual shenanigans. I have an idea though.

    Have you ever considered dedicating a blog entry to sex? It’s just an idea. I’m throwing it out there for ya. Take it for what it’s worth.

    Oh, and I have a tremendous favor to ask of you. Could you e-mail me (buckwilly@gmail.com) so I can explain/ask it?

    Your ever lovin’
    -Buck Williams-

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