Frig Yourself Silly, Just Not In The Library

Suze MasturbatingHurrah! Today is the day of the 2009 Masturbate-A-Thon.

however we’d like to sound a not of caution before you get over-enthusiastic.

While we encourage people to indulge in a reasonable, healthy and very enjoyable amount of masturbation we would counsel that the Masturbate-A-Thon does not mean you can indulge in self-pleasure anywhere.

Keep I t private, keep it fun and don’t treat others on the buss to the sight of you chocking your chicken or rubbing your button (depending on your gender) 😛

One thought on “Frig Yourself Silly, Just Not In The Library

  1. good job i did not read this in the local library today… i sometimes do access the blog there when its not full of kids….

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