54 thoughts on “One In The Hand … HNT

  1. I’m late, I’m late.. I know! Was out of my office Thu-Fri and not able to comment. Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by and visiting Suze and WOO HOO is that a nice manicure job you’re sporting this week! Happy bellated HNT!!!!!!!!!!! 😉

    Love ‘ya,

  2. That’s what I get for being late!! BamaGirl beat me too it!!!

    HHNT!! I’ll get here quick next Thursday..You can be sure of that!

    ~~As usual, the HNT here is as HOT as a Fireman’s balls !!~~

    How’s that, for a tucked-up turn-of-phrase (tee-hee!)..I’m enjoying this…Better late, than never, right??

    XX, adam.

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