Prostitutes, The Senate, The Republican And The Missed Vote

David VitterTwitter can be dangerous for your mental health you know. Being poorly-sick today has meant me dipping in and out … of Twitter you filthy people. LOL

What’s all this gumble about ACORN the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now in the states advising people on how to set up brothels?

This hasn’t been reported on this side of the pond but popped up on Twitter as a tag and messed with my head. The more I read the more I could see how the Senate might get its knickers in a twist about funding the organisation.

Weird isn’t it that in this globally aware Internet information age with 24 hour rolling news and Internet coverage of every topic imaginable I hadn’t heard anything about this. And that from someone who’s always looking out for a bit of sex related material fro this blog.

It’s almost as if the BBC and other UK news channels didn’t want to report it

Apparently Louisiana Senator David Vitter has been lobbying for the funding to ACORN to be cut off – is it all over the brothel advice? Dunno. I’ll have to check it out, unless someone can fill me in.

All in all looks like a bit of a palaver. I’ve never used that word (palaver) on the blog before, my mum loves it, she would be proud, or perhaps not LOL.