63 thoughts on “Tricky Treat HNT

  1. Suze, I’ll take a handful now and be back for seconds later. You are yummy and sweet … not to mention drop dead sexy! Love your header too. HHNT dear.

  2. You are gonna end up with soooo many trick or treaters and they’re all gonna be really big kids. LOL! Nice job….but…you always do a nice job, kiddo.

  3. Suze dipped in chocolate!
    Now that is a treat!

    Come on baby, I just want to hear you say it to me one time… “Want some candy little girl?”

  4. Ooh, what a very nice treat!

    If that’s how they celebrate Halloween over in England, I just might have to think about expanding my candy route just a little this year…lol.

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