Fit Girls At The Gym
I had been promising myself to get back in to a fitness regime for weeks and for one reason or other didn’t. The weeks passed by and I finally made a promise to myself to start going to gym again a couple of weeks ago. And I did.
On my first day back I must say I’m glad I had the conviction to see it though. Although I was knackered and will probably ache in places I never knew I had I’m sure it has to be good form me. Lol
It was a quiet morning too, I couldn’t have chosen a better day. Some days I used to have to queue to use equipment and I thought it was going to be like that today. Traditionally most people join gym immediately after Christmas and gradually falter as the weeks pass.
I decided to hit the ground running and do some time on the rowing machine and I did quite well, that was until the smelliest guy ever sat right next to me and started wafting his stink around. It was lucky that I was already feeling the strain by the time he sat there so I got up and moved on.
Didn’t spot anyone worth one though but there is always next time. I’m back! 😉