Hitachi Magic Wand, Sex Toy Or Massager?

Hitachi MAgic WandI was talking to one of the guys at work today and he happened to mention that he has been having problems with his lower back. It sounded a little like it could be sciatica but as I’m no physician I couldn’t be sure.

Then without thinking I mentioned to him that I have a wonderful device which alleviates some of the lower back pain I sometimes suffer with. “Oh, what is that”, he enquired hopeful that it would be beneficial to him too.

“The Hitachi Magic Wand”, I replied. Then from nowhere Horn burst out laughing. “What tickled you?”, I enquired.

“Magic Wand”, she responded laughing and winking at me.

At that point my male colleague joined in the innuendo. “Oh, I see what you mean”.

I went on to explain what the Magic Wand is and does, as soon as I mentioned vibration they were off. 😉

“Does it come with special attachments?”, asked the guy.

“Yes”, I replied but I think they were far too giddy to notice.

Sometimes I’m far too helpful for my own good. Lol