Getting Naked In The Garden
I’ve had a keen interest in gardening from an early age because several members of my close family had allotments or grew there own.
As I grew up I had a desire to grown my own plants from seed to stock my garden and that’s exactly what I did when I got my first house. It may be time consuming to raise your own plants, much like children I suppose but it’s so worth it.
So gardens have always had a place in my heart and when I get the opportunity to go nosing around someone else’s I do, including stately homes and private houses.
Which is why I was intrigued by Abbey House Gardens in Wiltshire, especially because they have “Clothes Optional” days where you can elect to walk around in the serenity of the garden starkers if you so desire.
It’s not obligatory to be naked and those entering the gardens on these special days are reminded to respect the choice of others and not take any pictures of other visitors. Can you imagine. Lol
They hold these events one Sunday a month between May and September when I presume it starts to get a bit too nippy to kit off.
If you are interested in participating or just visiting Abbey House Gardens here is a link to their website to find out more.