Piles Of Porn
It’s so busy here at the moment it’s very difficult to keep things organised and tidy. Without organisation it’s so easy to lose track of where you are and that spells disaster when you have the number of sites we have.
On top of this blog there’s our sex toy review site SexToysBuzz.com. Then we have our two magazine sites A-Rouse.com and Himdulgence.com. And not forgetting our Sex Blog Directory site Adult Blog Hub.com Incorporating Sex-Press.
I discovered last night that we have far more porn waiting to be reviewed than I could have possibly imagined and despite trying to get some adult DVD reviews done last night I failed dismally as other stuff kept coming up. I could really do with being snowed off work this week so I can catch up before Christmas but it looks like that’s not going to happen. The bad weather seems to be just impinging on the Yorkshire coast and all we have is bitter cold and sheets of ice.
Well, id you want to read the Adult DVD Reviews we have done, pop over to Erotic Buzz. There are more on the way soon.