Slutty And Sluttier
I have covered the subject of porn and various acts carried out which simply don’t work before. The prime one for me is the male pornstar inserting his middle finger inside his female counterpart and the enthusiasm it brings about. Lots of moaning and groaning when both you and I know that a single finger inserted inside a pussy can barely be felt, especially by some of these girls who can take two cocks at a time in both holes. Lol
And one which annoys me intensely is the hand around the throat of the girl whilst fucking her. If a guy tried that with me when fucking he would probably get a knee in his bollocks. 🙂 I like a bit of a spank and sometimes forcefulness on the males part but not to be faux choked it simply doesn’t work.
All that said I found a scene in Slutty And Sluttier by Manuel Ferrara to be desperate to the point that it was comical. I used to be a fan of his but now I find him to be overly enthusiastic in his performances to the point that he will try anything which looks, well…desperate. That is the only word I can use to describe it.
The scene I watched last night involved him fucking a co-star and offering her his toes to suck, which doesn’t work for me but is not the act which made me shake my head incredulously.
He decided it would be a good idea to fist his starlet’s mouth. I just have to ask why? It didn’t look at all erotic or arousing, he just looked like a prick.
Alex will be reviewing the DVD soon so you will be able to hear his spin on it. I have to admit that I didn’t quite make it to the last scene.