Porn Star Needs My Help With A Large Sex Toy
I was approached a few weeks ago by a well known porn star to help he in her quest to find the largest butt plug. She was asking me in my capacity as a sex toy tester but it was slightly disconcerting that she should think I knew much about outsize sex toys. Lol
Over the past couple of days I have seen quite a few sex toys and adult products and on one of the stands I did spot exactly what she may be looking for.
Alex took the picture and we are sending it over to her as soon as he downloads all the images we have taken whilst we were away. There are some of where we stayed too, we had a fantastic room with a balcony, we will be posting them up over the coming week.
I’m so glad she didn’t ask us to bring one back with us because it may have added 5lbs on to the already bulging bag that Alex was carrying. This toy made the Ass Midget we covered a few months ago look modest by comparison.
You’re getting the picture now aren’t you?
I’ve been asked some strange things but never to find a huge butt plug. How I love being a sex blogger and sex toy tester. 😉