Licking His Cock
We both watch one hell of a lot of porn as part of our work. Ok, I can here you all shouting “any excuse” but we do. If you haven’t already checked out our porn DVD reviews you should go over here and take a look.
Erotic Buzz features adult product reviews including DVD’s and there is quite a collection over there. So go and catch up I’ll wait here…
…you’re back then. Lol
I’ve always wondered exactly what it is about the guy shoving his cock in the girls ass to withdraw it and push it in her mouth. How good must that taste when It’s been fucking her colon. I know they use enemas and douche but all the same, ass juice doesn’t get me going.
However, when Alex pulled out of me last night with a stitch I found sucking his cock and tasting myself on him very arousing. I had to keep him up despite his discomfort and that was the answer. Lol
I don’t often get to suck his cock when we are fucking because…well, we are fucking and usually go all the way to the end. One thing I do know I’ll be doing it again cramp or no cramp. 😉