Erotica 07 – Things That Make You Go Hmmm
Today is the first day of Erotica 07 at London’s Olympia. And we aren’t going.
Apparently everyone else is.
Sadly, circumstances mean that we’re unable to attend this year and that’s a crying shame. But we other trips out in the pipeline so it’s not all bad. Still it feels like we’re missing a great party. Hmmmmm.
There is one piece of good news though. Despite not being there in person the ID Lubes stand will be carrying fliers containing extracts from our review of the Monogamy board game published on recently. So because Creative Conceptions (ID Lubes UK) were so impressed by the review we’re at Erotica 07 in spirit at least.
Roll on next year, new expos, and new naughty day trips.
Tags: Erotica 07, Olympia, ID Lubes, Monogamy board game, Monogamy board game review, Creative Conceptions