I Just Couldn’t Resist
Yesterday afternoon I registered with BritBlogs.
The last time we tried, over a year ago, they rejected us because they couldn’t verify if we were British. Well, I’ve registered from a British IP so I think they should be gather from that that I’m not located in darkest Peru.
Now I’m waiting for the response from the BritBlog team, will they decide we’re British enough this time?
I can understand them wanting to promote British blogs, there is a place for global listings and listings within a geographical area. After all we share a culture, a Britishness, that is unique to these islands. Funny thing is they have an ex-pat section, so how do they verify that those bloggers are real ex-pats and not someone pretending to be a Britain abroad?
At the time of our last rejection I queried how I could prove that we are British. I never received a response.
Tic-toc, tic-toc … we’ll see.