Three Girl Sexiness
When I worked with Busty and Horny, my last job, we spent hours talking about sex and various things that had happened to us over the years. I have to admit that it was usually me that drove the conversation towards naughtiness. 😉
The girls set off being a bit shy about discussing intimate things and by the time I left they would talk to me without a thought. This interchange of thoughts and acts got us through what would have been a very boring day job.
I can’t deny there are days when I miss them and a couple of other people very much. Cats aren’t such good company and don’t tend to talk much. Lol
My old office had cameras everywhere allegedly for security but it was rumoured that IT had also installed microphones and could pick up on what people were saying. I’ll tell you this, if they did they would have had quite and education when I was there.
This post came about after reading in the paper about a customer who sent their camcorder to Sony to be fixed and it came back with a recording of employees , a woman and three men talking about love making techniques.
The camera had been sent to a Sony centre in Pencoed, South Wales and they were investigating what happened. I say leave it be, as long as the camcorder is fixed it doesn’t matter who was indulging in naughty talk at work. 😉