Take A Peep At Suze
I have been registered with 25peeps for over a year now and in first place for a good deal of the year, so thanks to those who clicked the little link in the sidebar. The one saying “Click Me Pick Me“, if you never tried it.
Well, the listing has reset and is using a different format so I decided to resubmit myself and a new picture for you all to letch at. Click the link here and see if you can tell which one is mine.
I’ll wait while you go and take a look and come back here to tell me which you think is of me. 😉
Lets see if you can show me some love put me in first place…
I’ll be so grateful that I may just…
Show and tell 😉
I did my part and clicked the right pair of breasts.
How could we not tell whose gorgeous…hands those were?
I may, or may not have jut put you in first place 😉
Basti, you know me too well you naughty guy. 😉
TSM, nice to see you around again. Thanks for the support.
Sam, Thanks! That’s where I like to be. Lol