OMG L Cup Titties!

large breasted brunetteI just read that an L cup sized bra has now gone of sale because women’s boobs are getting larger.  I’m guessing that this bra would make adequate hats for twins.  Lol

Being just a C cup I would have been quite happy a few years ago but by comparison to the girls of today I’m really quite a modest size.  I find controlling these at the gym hard enough but with L’s you would have to tether them down.

Apparently it is believed that the average sized lady is now a whopping 34E.  Lucky average lady.  😉

6 thoughts on “OMG L Cup Titties!

  1. Like all things its not the boobs that are getting bigger but the women overall are getting fatter, just like the Americans we are heading towrds obesity as standard.

  2. GF is a K Cup .. gotta love the boobies!! xxx

    @mimo – breast size doesn’t have much to do with how fat the girls are..obesity will affect on the back size more, not the cup sizing

  3. i read women get back ache s from having big boobs,as they cant sleep properly,but my point is women want bigger boobs,but it s a about personality,and i cant really believe women bein unhappy about

  4. @Ade

    Actually the amount of fat a woman has on her body directly affects the size of her boobs.
    For example when the wife lost a lot of weight due to illness and was down around a B cup, now she has regained weight and then some extra and is up to a large C/D.

    Personally I feel sorry for anyone who has to cart around anything more than a DD as it boobs are not light and if you have to move quickly then tend to go their own way.

    How are cup sizes measured anyway, is it related to cubic capacity or is it one of those old fashioned things that is just a random letter?

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