The House Of Porn

Before I start may I say a big thank you to Harmony Films for making this trip possible…

Robert Adam InteriorIt was 8.50am and we were only just leaving the hotel after a bad night’s sleep, feeling kind of jet lagged from lack of rest.  We had to be on set for 9am and I’m such a stickler for being on time, it’s almost anal.  But I believe it’s a common courtesy not to keep people waiting for you.

We arrived at the venue…the famous Portland place, home of celebrity parties, swingers’ nights and porn shoots a few minutes late but not enough to get the crop out.  Oooh errr!

The façade of the mid Georgian terrace immediately made you feel put in your place as you imagined the number of servants who worked behind that double doored  entrance.  I’m a lover of period houses and an ex member of the National Trust (because I didn’t get time to put my membership to good use).

All the properties on the block were decorated inside by the best interior designer ever, that includes Lawrence Lewelyn Bowen lol…Robert Adam.  Adam has created  interiors for the most opulent and grand houses of his time.  A much respected and revered man when it comes to design.

Now here I stood on the front doorstep of one of his “town houses” but not as we think of them, this was on a much grander scale and next door to the Chinese Embassy these days.  As we both stood expectantly at the front door I didn’t know what to expect within the confines of these walls.

I had to ring Tanya to announce our arrival and gain entry to the building.  A quick phone call secured our entry, the lock withdrew and the door opened.  As the door swung back we gained entry to a generous entrance complete with fireplace, the house was like a Tardis inside.

Alex and I were led to a room to the right of the entrance hall and overwhelmed by the amount of equipment and props which came in large plastic crates.

Continues Soon …


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