Hot Busty Lycra Babe
There was no eye candy at gym today, it’s becoming a regular thing these days. I was well in to my rowing session when my mind started to wander. Visions of gorgeous lycra clad girls were entering my head and distracting me from my arduous workout.
I worked my way through the girls of the 80’s who regularly wore lycra and spandex pants to the gorgeous Jeri Lynn Ryan, that’s her up there. She was probably the only reason I started to watch Star Trek, I hadn’t been a fan up until then. William Shatner irritated the s**t of me and I could never bring myself to watch the old ones.
Jeri gave us all something to look forward to watching every week as she strutted around in her heels and figure hugging outfits. I’ll have to check if they are rerunning the episodes…
do you ever stop being naughty lol
your mind always wanders suze.xxxxx.