All Librarians Are Sex Maniacs, Fact! Well Not Really But This One Is
As a child I remember defaulting on returning my library books with regularity. I would loan the books and never found the time to read them, consequently I forgot about them and by the time I remembered I had them a fine had become imposed.
This would happen with regularity, no matter how much I promised myself that this time I would read them and return them I didn’t. Often they would be returned without me having read more than the first chapter.
After a while I stopped loaning books for this very reason and to stop all my spending money going towards fines. Lol
Now if I had encountered the librarian featured in this kinky clip from the film “Tomcats” paying the fine would have been much more fun. It features Jerry O’Connell and Heather Stephens who plays Kendra Taylor in Desperate Housewives.