Wanting The Ultimate In Kinkiness

I’ve always appreciated a good pair of heels but never really been able to afford some of the designer footwear on the market and if I could I think that practicality would step in and stop me.

I find myself contemplating what else I could purchase with the money and end up buying something more practical instead of a whimsical pair of shoes which will go out of fashion with those who care before I wear them twice.  Lol

Shoes aren’t normally a topic of interest or conversation for me but I read an article about one of Alexander McQueen’s creations called armadillos.  They are 12” platforms which the catwalk girls are quite rightly refusing to wear.

Models are becoming a little more savvy since the well publicised tumble that Naomi Campbell took in 1994 and these trotters, I would like to call them shoes but that’s what they resemble, are 3” higher than the ones Naomi couldn’t walk in.

And when you look at them they aren’t even original in design.  These fetish ballet shoes have been around for quite some time and look far more stylish don’t you think?  🙂