Avatar, Gravatar, Thingymajig

SuzeWho wants one of these?  Girls stop looking at Alex’s dinkle!  Oh, go on then as the boys are currently checking out my chains.  😀  Well this blog is now Gravatar enabled, which means I will be able to see all your familiar pictoral representations once again since switching to WordPress.  And boy have I missed being able to see your images and graphics over here.

If you set up one of these Gravatars it will be globally available to be displayed on any blog which is Gravatar enabled including WordPress, Haloscan, Moveable Type and many others.

AlexJust pop over here and set one up today http://gravatar.com/.  It’s quick and painless to do and very quickly approved for use.  All you need is an image 80 x 80 pixels in size and away you go.

So don’t hide in the shadows of anonymity, lets see you beautiful people out there…

12 thoughts on “Avatar, Gravatar, Thingymajig

  1. damn i have to get me one of those things….. btw alex we all knew “it’ worked… suze gushes about “it” often…… lol

  2. I hope to see everyone using their avatar here soon. It doesn’t take long to set up. To use the gravatar you need to enter your email address so that it can be picked up.

    Mr Fab, Alex has checked the RSS fee and it seems to be working. If anyone else is having problems with it let me know.

    DH, I will take a look in to this, thanks.

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