When Is Sex Wrong?
I read an article today which left me in a bit of a quandary. Not something that happens often as I am usually quite decisive when it comes to opinions of sex and sexuality. But this one left me wondering which opinion was right.
I read today that Chris Keates general secretary of the NASUWT (National Association of Schoolmasters and Union of Women Teachers) raised the point that there is an anomaly in that a teacher can have an affair with a student over the age of consent in another school without issue, but if they have one with one of their own students they could find themselves prosecuted and on the sex offenders register.
In 2001 the law was changed to make it illegal for teachers to partake in sexual activity with pupils attending their school under 18 years of age.
May I just point out for non-resident readers that In the UK the age of consent is currently 16.
I was left with two trains of though on this:
Why does the age of consent change for teacher/pupil relationships?
Why is it alright for a teacher to have a relationship with a pupil from another school but not one in their own? Smacks a little of not in my backyard.
But on the other side of the fence…you need to be able to trust that a teacher has a duty of care for their pupils and will not take advantage of them or “groom” them in any way. I suppose you can only liken it to a guardian taking advantage of a situation, after all a teacher is more aware of sexual relationships and how to control them than a hormonal teenager.
The teacher is in the position of stewardship and responsibility, it is they who should be charged with restraining any urges that may surface. You assume that someone of more senior years will exercise a little restraint and responsibility.
Chris Keates meanwhile is trying to get the law overturned.
I’m afraid I’m still undecided even after thinking the whole topic through whilst writing this post.
What do you think?
Hi, there! I just found your blog. It looks interesting.
It seems to me that the prohibition against teachers having sex with students in their school is similar to psychotherapists not having sex with their clients. The fear is that the one in power (the teacher, the therapist) will abuse that power and take advantage of the student or client.
The points you make about the responsibilities of a teacher are quite valid, and I agree with them.
The problem comes when we decide to make everything black and white, right and wrong.
In the example I gave of a therapist having sex with a client, it can be the most direct way of healing, if it is done with integrity. I did it a lot. Luckily I wasn’t a licensed therapist, or I would have lost my license! But it was an amazing way to approach sexual healing, and very powerful in its results.
Selena Truth
Perhaps make it against the rules and fire someone who breaks the rules.
But if sex is consensual after a certain age than that law cannot be amended to for other circumstances like Teacher student relationships.
There’s also the issue of a student’s possibly receiving preferential treatment in exchange for sex. This could be a large part of the “not in my back yard” rationale. It could also be part of the reason for the mandatory age-18 rule – in other words, someone 18 is probably a little less vulnerable, less likely to place wanting to please the teacher above his or her own welfare, and somewhat more capable of deciding for him- or herself than a 16-yr-old.
Anon VII
Selina, I agree each incident must be judged seperately. Some teenagers have the maturity to be able to cope with such a relationship.
It’s when it is abusive that it is wrong and a breach of confidence.
OB, I think the teacher concerned would have lost their job and as I remarked above if the pupil is old enough to know what they are doing and without being groomed then I don’t think the teacher is totally at fault.
Anon, I agree that the UK age of consent may be too low and we also have one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy.
I’m not sure that changing the age to 18 would help matters, most kids like to break rules it gives them a thrill.
This subject could keep us talking all night I’m sure.