Liberated Sex
Spraining my foot was a bit of a downer, from then on I really couldn’t walk very far. I also had to adopt a strange way of walking. Because I couldn’t put any weight directly on to my foot when it was flat I had to walk on the outside of my foot. It looked very strange but allowed me to get about if only a little.
I thought it may also get me some sympathy from the public in general but they just stared at me in a strange way. Lol Alex has been great, passing me things and helping me get about. I must admit that I don’t like having my mobility and independence taken away from me though. If even for a short while. Fingers crossed it won’t take long to get better although the hospital advised it could be up to two weeks. Yikes!!!
Despite my incapacity it didn’t stop me from doing the do. Foot injuries do not get in the way of some naughtiness, in fact very little does with me. 😉 I even managed to find those cushions in the top shot. Not sure what they are for, perhaps for placing around the single bed we had in our room to convert it in to a chaise long.
Suze had other thoughts on this though…don’t you think it looks like the Liberator?
I need to return to the hotel next year and give them a good trying out. We took a few toys with us for the stay, how could we resist. I’ll let you know about them later. 😉