Porn At The Office
Now I must be working for the wrong company because there is no way that any of the staff where I work (with the exception of the IT guy) would get away with viewing online porn. Not only are our PC’s accessible via PcAnywhere but the offices have CCTV.
I want to know just how you can get away with it because I want a job like that.
Proof point have provided some interesting data relating to 400 responses from UK office workers including, 33% admitting they view inappropriate material at their desks and only 7% had been caught doing it. Their IT staff aren’t very vigilant. Lol
More than half of the group confessed to returning to the office drunk after a lunch in the pub, with a further 59% being taken ill in the office due to a hangover.
Now this is an interesting and poingnant one, 62% of office workers questioned admitted to having an office fling. Not that I would do anything like that.
And a further 28% couldn’t stay awake and fell asleep at their desk despite the lure of alcohol and pornography.
Email also came under scrutiny with 54% committing a faux pas of pressing the “reply all” on a company email when their response wasn’t for all to see. And a quarter of workers had accidentally emailed work colleagues saucy comments intended for a lover.
I’m certainly working for the wrong company, how about you?
Count me in the 33%. Small office with just a few people, no IT person, other than me and mostly my job is to tell people to turn off their computers and turn them back on again and to fix printer jams, and a boss who is so computer illiterate I have to read him his emails and he dictates his responses (that gets old). So, yes, will do a bit of blogging and chatting, but only after the work is (mostly) done.
Nope, not me, there’s a time and place for everything, unless you’re paid to look at porn then work isn’t the place for too many reasons.
Besides, it’s almost impossible not to get caught if your IT staff know their stuff and are asked to check for it. I know, I am the IT staff for several small companies and have been asked to look on a few occasions (caught a guy cybering with his girlfriend and another with almost 2000 hardcore pics on his PC)