Sex And Teabagging In The Office

There is a certain kind of satisfaction in knowing that you are aware of things your colleagues don’t particularly have a clue about. Four years ago my knowledge of the Adult World was limited and I was thoroughly naïve. Although I hate to admit it, I actually although at the time thought I was quite knowledgeable. 😉

I had read and watched porn, had encounters with the opposite sex and the same sex. But it simply didn’t compare to what I have learned over the course of adult blogging.

This was finally sent home on Friday.

A colleague was working a half day before going on her holidays and came in to our office for a quick chat. She is a few years younger than me but leads a totally different lifestyle. I enquired how her “crafting” was going and she started to tell me about some new fancy dancey paper embossing machine she had just purchased.

It was then that I spotted my opportunity to have a bit of fun with her. Not in a derogatory sense but a humorous one. I admitted that I didn’t know much about crafting but I knew what “teabaging” was (or is it teabagging? One “g” or two, you decide). Lol Then I went on to add “And you and I know the alternative version of that don’t we?”, looking right at Busty who giggled uncontrollably.

Meanwhile Horny just didn’t seem to get it and neither of us tried to explain it to her. The girl from upstairs was so involved with the concept of crafting that she didn’t even hear this.

The other girl then went on to add “I like to do it while I’m in the car with my husband”.

Well, stranger things have been known, although I should imagine it is a little bit difficult if he’s driving. And positively suicidal if she was driving. 🙂

One thought on “Sex And Teabagging In The Office

  1. *laughs* i’ve had the same thing happen to me, when in discussion with an elderly gentleman in a shop about the craft, when i was trying to buy some of the papers for the craft.. his words.. “I didn’t think you were a teabagger”. i nearly spluttered till i realised what he meant..

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