French Fillies Proffering Free Fucks With Fees
I hardly believed this story when I read it in the news but apparently it’s true.
Let me set the scene. What would you say if I were to offer you the chance for you and your partner to go to (separate) desert islands where you would be seduced by members of the opposite sex and paid for the privilege?
That’s exactly what the contestants in a French version of the reality show temptation island argued should happen, and the French courts agreed with them.
According to the ruling the contestants are to be paid 11,000 euros each in compensation, consisting of 8,176 euros in overtime, 817 euros for because they we denied their holiday entitlement, 500 euros for unfair dismissal, and 1,500 euros for the wrongful termination of their contracts.
As the UK is part of the EU this could have repercussions over here as contestants who might not get to win the £100,000 and associated Z-list stardom it comes with get stroppy and demand Endemol cough up the compo.
It’s all going to kick off on eviction night. I hope Davina’s ready for it.
Now, if they get it on in the Big Brother house, do they get extra performance fees?