Sex Shopping Saturday

Frilly knickersDo you know what I miss about the weekends? Sex shopping on Saturdays.

There was a time when we used to shop for sex toys, search out adult DVDs and generally get all smutted up. Now we have so much adult stuff lying around that we don’t have to. The fun of seeking out a new sex toy is denied us. Well it could be worse I suppose. LOL

So, in a way the adult industry has freed us up to think about the more mundane things, such as what paper to wrap my Father’s present in for tomorrow. Then we can lay back and enjoy the reviews we have to do.

I wonder if they miss us at the sex shop …

One thought on “Sex Shopping Saturday

  1. hey wanna meet me somewheres we can do all the positions and you can blow me, i fuck like a hurricane 😉

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