Stuff And Nonsense

What do you think to the new banner? Don’t worry, it’s only temporary. During October we thought we’d have some themed banners in the run-up to Halloween. Oh and one other thing, I had a story published by the very nice and obviously discerning ( 🙂 ) people at Oysters & Chocolate.

So, I’m a happy bunny at the moment, except for the small matter of having to go back to work tomorrow. Rats.

Oh, yes, I nearly forgot, Gravatars. Well, DH did warn me but the Gravatars were slowing down the site horribly so I’ve disabled them for a while. If I can’t work out how to speed the buggers up they’re off permanently and I’ll be seeking another solution to comment avatars on this blog. I assume the Gravatar site is a victim of its own success as the problems seem to be related to the speed at which the servers are able to serve the images. Anyway, more on that shortly.

4 thoughts on “Stuff And Nonsense

  1. Wicked story, congratulations on the publication.

    You clearly know your anatomy, but you should be aware that the plural of iris is irides (LOL).

    Only kidding…It’s a great piece of writing.


  2. Wicked story, and it looks great with the images. well done!
    I like the banner…very halloweeny, but am missing the breasts! I suppose I could dip into the archives….

  3. I finally got an answer from the Gravatar site saying my pic had been “rated,” whatever that means. Maybe you’re right–they are overloaded.

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