Dirty Centrefold Girls

Filament MagazineDespite the rumours the print media is not dead. The new media revolution delivered via the Internet hasn’t killed off the glossy mags and newspapers quite yet.

Hurrah for that I say because it’s difficult to get as attached to a website, no matter how well put together, in the same way that you can to a favourite magazine or other periodical.

For young adults growing up today the web is probably where they will have their first experience of pornography. And yet magazines still exist and in some cases flourish. There’s always a publishing company with an idea for a new and exciting glossy for the magazine racks and while they don’t always last more than a few editions one occasionally stands out.

Suze wrote about one on A-Rouse.com yesterday. It’s called Filament and is a magazine aimed at women who know there’s more to life than makeup, handbags and shoes and who want to be challenged when they read a magazine.

You can read Suze’s Filament magazine review over on A-Rouse.com now.

Oh, and I’ll be getting my own magazine for guys to review in the next few days. There should be a few naked ladies in there for me to talk about.