Of Course She Swallows
There seems to be a rule amongst young adults when they first start experimenting with alcohol. The more outlandish the drink, the weirder the concoction and the brighter the colour the better.
Well it was when I was growing up. We went for all sort of mixtures and discovered to our cost that mixing your drink is good for three things. Making you drunk too fast to enjoy an evening, creating an overwhelming feeling of nausea when you’ve had too much and giving you hangovers that make you think you are about to die.
I remember drinking taboo many years ago and thinking how drinkable it was – bit of a girls’ drink. I tasted some a few years later and nearly threw up. Dreadful, dreadful stuff.
I suppose if you find a girl who likes Taboo she’s bound to give a good blowjob. If she’ll swallow that she’ll swallow anything.
u want an experimental cocktail??
equal measures of pernod and sambuca, the mont blanc mindfuck… i invented it on the night of july the 9th 2006, the night of the world cup final between france and italy, i was remaining neutral so was drinking spirits of both nations involved
why the mont blanc?? its the tallest mountain in europe and is on the french/italian border