No Sex Please We’re Cypriot!

We have a hot weekend before us, in more ways than one.  The UK weather has taken another turn for the better and the fan and fannies are coming out all over.  🙂  Also Alex and I in our intrepid way are test driving the second toy we took delivery of from Bedtime Heaven and this one is a little different, so keep an eye out for the post over the next couple of days.

It is our aim here to share our sexual experimentation and exploits with our readers, in a no holds barred way and our toy reviews are always thorough and genuinely tested.  😉  This is why when I came across this I couldn’t stop myself from laughing.

Edit: 21 Nov 2014 – A link previously here pointed to a page on the Ann Summers website stating they didn’t deliver to Cyprus. The page no longer exists so I’ve removed the link but though I ought to explain why to avoid confusion.

Ann why can’t people in Cyprus get down and dirty too?

Any thoughts dear readers?

7 thoughts on “No Sex Please We’re Cypriot!

  1. I suspect Mr. Gently has the answer–you don’t want to rev this little buzzer up only to see someone else in the restaurant keel over because you’ve stopped his pacemaker!

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