Screaming Orgasm To Satisfying Sex Biz
There’s no better feeling than knowing you’ve got a lot of work done. Except perhaps getting a lot of work done and it’s all been about sex!
We’ve spent today driving ahead with jobs like following up Venus contacts, tweaking sites that have needed attention for a while and writing naughty copy. Of course it’s a treadmill like any other job, but one with lots of tits and arse.
Back to reality in a couple of days when I have to drag myself back into the day job and become immersed in the exciting financial services industry systems again (yawn).
I can’t say the adult industry has quite the same sparkle as it used to have. It’s exchanged it initial exciting buzz for a thoroughly enjoyable feeling that accompanies everything we do. It presents challenges as great as any other business but makes them ones you want to rise to.
It still seems more interesting than a lot of other jobs…