The Extremes of Porn
Sometimes it’s difficult to judge where art ends and porn begins and that’s probably the way it should be. Art should provoke an emotional response, and the flow from the intellectual, through emotional to the animal instinct at the far ends of the human psychological spectrum is individual to each and every one of us.
To some porn is totally unacceptable, but to a huge number of people it is both enjoyable and useful. To those who accept pornography as just one aspect of the human requirement for stimulation, like music, painting, good food and a back rub, the majority would be able to agree where art and pornography begin to merge. But never exactly where the line is crossed. Indeed as we develop our tastes change and the boundary moves for us as individuals.
That’s why adult blogging is so interesting. Over time your tastes change. I have found that despite being what I considered to be open minded before we began, my horizons are now far broader than I could have ever imagined. Not only have I experienced new sensations and been exposed to new ideas, but I actually embrace some of them as part of my own, our own, sexuality. In doing so my character has changed.
For the better I believe.
Despite this evolution from my old self to the person writing this post I still cannot reconcile some of the incongruities out there on the Web. Outside the normal range of stimulation are things that I will never be able to see as anything other than sad, disturbing, grotesque or in some cases repellent. I’m not talking about the abhorrent activities of child molesters, paedophiles and rapists that some sites depict, or puport to depict. Those sort of sites need no further condemnation than the revulsion felt by all right-minded human beings who stumble across them.
What I mean are the sites run by commercial entities, from one-man operations working out of an apartment in Moscow to the heavily funded LA based Larry Flint wannabees. They take a momentary look at the vast array of sexuality expressed on the web (often by bloggers) and they try to cash in.
It starts with the “barely legal” models, pelvis’s threatening to cut through the skin of their featherweight physiques. Then maybe they discover the “Messy Fetish”, simply get some models, none of them into the messy scene and photograph them being unconvincingly “turned-on” when covered in custard. All to create a site that stands out a little and makes money.
Eventually though (for the serious cash) you have to go for the really hard-core fetish. So BDSM, spanking and D/s relationship themed sites have appeared simply to pander to the curious and naïve.
Before a lot of you turn off I’m not talking about professional dominants here. Whether they do it for the money or because they have a genuinely dominant nature, that’s fine by me. The Web is just an outlet for them, and maybe a shop window. I know many non-pro Doms dislike pro Doms but that’s not something I hold strong views on. I would say that so long as pro and non-pro can be distinguished by a reasonably intelligent reader of their sites then there’s no problem. Specifically a pro should not masquerade as amateur for commercial.
What I mean are the sites that depict domination as abuse, spanking as just a thrashing, submission as weakness (for the benefit of the would be dominant rather than the emotional, intellectual and physical interplay between D and s it involves). They ignore what it means to be D/s, the depths that many such relationships have, all to ensure a quick buck.
Then you have other extreme acts such as some “models” performing weirder and weirder, more and more extreme insertions into various orifices. I could go on, but the point is made.
All of these things are outside what I regard as art, adult entertainment or pornography. They are cynical and puerile attempts to exploit the very personal and intimate feelings and practices of others who are mature enough to express their sexuality one the Web.
Tags: BDSM, D/s, Porn, commecrcial porn, blog, bloggin, amateur blogging, pro blogging, professional blogging, extreme sex, extreme imagery, boundaries of art
I agree with you. I think I wrote about it once in my blog…
I was trying to find a D/s picture, and found REALLY scary stuff….Women being held up by (what looked like) needles…and scary shit like that.
I HATE abuse…and there seems so much of it online it is really scary.
Couldn’t agree more, although we have never paid to enter a site, and doubt if we ever will.
There’s a part of me that will never see pornography (in film) as art. It’s provoking on a physical level but it doesn’t really expand the mind to be art (which has the capacity to do both). One type of porn type film that I can’t watch is the squirt variety. I can’t stand it, and see it as an artificial representation of the female anatomy, or the biology/function.