A Girl Has To Have Some Secrets

I keep my tampons inside a zipped purse this was the result of a rather embarrassing moment in my workplace. I’m not quite sure but I had been asked to produce my driving license or something equally important by my employer and I recall vividly opening my bag, unzipping the middle pocket and taking out a handful of contents.

The next thing I knew a tampon had rolled free from the middle of all the papers and dropped on to the desk. Since that day I have always kept them securely secreted inside a zipped purse.

I also have one which I deposit inside the ladies toilets to avoid having to walk to the toilet with my bag in tow every time I want to change myself. At work I was the only one to do this until the other day.

Now there are three other containers next to mine, one of them a very attractive iridescent plum coloured plastic tube. But the thing that made me laugh most of all was that one of the girls just didn’t give a shit and brought in a HUGE box of tampons inside a carrier bag and just dumped them on the shelf behind the toilet.

AlexSuze.com, FraupakYou know what’s coming next don’t you…yes, it got me thinking. Lol What does you tampon storage choice say about you? Well, I have to admit that my current purse is silver, so does that mean that I have expensive tastes? Or that I like bling? I would probably say that I have an appreciation for the finer things in life without being overly demonstrative.

I’ve been taking a look at what is available on the Internet and imagining what kind of girl would use these storage containers…

This would be a good one for the organised amongst us, it has provision for 8 tampons, condoms and your pain relief tablets. A little like a real life filofax. Good thinking.

AlexSuze.com,RagTotesThis is a very practical case being made of sturdy plastic and it comes in a wide range of colours, nice for the girls who like everything to match. However it does have one downside…look very carefully at the bottom right corner. Yes, it does say “Tampon Holder”, so not very discreet then. Lol

And for those girls who believe in calling a spade a spade, there is the “Rag Bag“.

AlexSuze.com, Rag BagThis one is suitable for the girls at who I work with and anyone else who spends most of their day talking calories and sniffing chocolate bars. They would love it… 🙂

Then last but not least, something for the crafters amongst us, you can make your own.

AlexSuze.com, Knitted Tampon Case
Tags: tampons, tampon holder, rag tote, rag totes, rag bag

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