Porn, What Porn?

AlexSuze.comAlex’s parents came over yesterday evening for dinner. I’m not a fantastic hostess, I always end up getting in a right flap over things but it’s nice to be able to return the invitation. They have us over to their house over Christmas so it’s only fair.

I must admit that I did find it difficult not being online during their visit. My mind kept on wandering to thoughts of posts that I wanted to write and blogs I wanted to visit but I couldn’t just get up and walk away for a few hours. Lol

It’s true, I now get withdrawl if I can’t be online, how bad is that! I think I may be in danger of becoming addicted to adult blogging. You don’t realise just how much it has taken over your life until you have to manage without. I really was becoming quite twitchy towards the end of the evening, I needed my fix.

The highlight of the evening came after we ate and retired to the lounge and the comfort of the sofa. His parents sat opposite us as we chatted and drank wine, all very relaxed and comfortable.

Alex turned on the television to catch up with the news and afterwards decided to hop through the shopping satellite channels. This amused Alex’s parents as they only have FreeView which doesn’t give you as many channels (of shit. Did I just say that? Lol) to choose from. We spent a while flicking through them and couldn’t stop laughing at the battery operated rotating mop we came across.

He continued to move through the channels and in to the adult zone at which point Alex’s mum asked if we subscribed to the movie channels. We don’t because it cost more. “Do you get those adult programmes?, not the Chat Line ones but the films and stuff?”, enquired his mum.

Alex picked up the satellite control and selected one of the adult film channels and said “No, look you have to subscribe to those, you have to enter your pin number”. “Oh, replied his mother”. I’m not sure if she was disappointed or taking it all in. Lol

It’s strange, no matter how old you get you never like to admit to your parents that you engage in sex or for that matter like to watch it. We have a huge collection of porn DVD’s hidden away but we would never admit to it. 😉

It occurred to me after they left that she wasn’t just being inquisitive, I think she really wanted to know. Maybe she is thinking of getting an upgrade…

4 thoughts on “Porn, What Porn?

  1. I remember visiting my partners gran and great aunt one day. One minute they were chatting away about Doris across the road and the knitting patterns in “Take a Break” magazine, the next, His gran was telling us all that she had tried to tape the adult channel when it was shown one night for free. She was a bit miffed that it required a pin number and she didnt know how to get one. She was also a font of knowledge when it came to brands of chocolate bodypaint….


  2. Froggy, you may just be right. Lol

    Asterisk, I did exactly the same. I don’t think they ever found out.

    Maria, Lol. She sounds like great fun. They know more than we think. 😉

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