Power Pussy
Suze has very exacting standards when it comes to sex toys. When you’ve been testing sex toys for as long as she has it sort of comes with the territory. It’s not that she is picky, she just knows what works for her.
Of course what works for one person may not work for another and vice versa but on the whole, if you have the experience that Suze has you know enough about anatomy and sex toy designs to understand how they interact to produce the required level of ecstasy, or not as the case may be.
Of course when you first start testing sex toys that doesn’t occur to you, every one is an adventure and exciting. It would be too easy to get carried away but Suze has a level of professionalism when it comes to sex toy testing and despite being a hedonist of the first order she is able to run the parallel threads of orgasm and analysis to bring you the best of sex toy reviews.
Her latest one is over at SexToysBuzz.com right now for you to read. Enjoy.