Sex In The City, And Towns, And Villages
I’ve just read a news report which claims that the UK is going to spend a bloody fortune on sexual services outside long-term relationships. To be exact that men are going to spend £4.2 billion on sexual services.
I have to assume that much of the data that was used to compile this particular statistic is estimated as much of the sexual services industry is illegal and therefore hardly likely to shout about how much income it generates. Of course there are the legal elements, such as escort services, clubs and phone sex lines, so assuming that they have got hold of the correct information the estimates around those businesses should be quite accurate.
While reading it I was reminded of a conversation I had years ago with the financial director of a company I used to contract to. He told me that he had been entertaining some Korean business men (prospective clients) and asked where they would like to go in the evening. They replied that they’d like to have a meal, fair enough he thought. Then instead of opting for the opera, theatre or even a club they asked to go to see some strippers.
This was years ago, before the advent of pole dancing venues. They ended up taking the three Koreans to a seedy pub in the industrial district of the city which was the only place any of the company’s management team could think of that would be guaranteed to have strippers – it had a reputation.
The customers loved it and the company got the order. It also meant that the directors who accompanied them were able to claim for strippers on expenses. I wonder if any MPs have managed to do that …
He never told me if he actually let on to his wife, LOL.
Back to the original story – It occurs to me are the men spending all this money trying to escape their home life? Because it’s much cheaper to have a naughty evening in with the missus than hire someone to show you a good time.
BTW, it doesn’t mention how much women are going to spend …