Sex On The Move
I have noticed that we seem to be gaining popularity on all formats at the moment, some of which I have never heard of before but that is hardly surprising. We have vast numbers of visitors from all around the globe and I suppose you could say that we are truly cosmopolitan.
It’s a wonderful feeling to know that you have a readership all over the world and at the same time that carries the burden of responsibility. I know that sounds kind of weird but I take a pride in my work or should it be service to the public. Lol
With this at the forefront of my mind, I am appealing to my Playstation Portable readership…I hope that you are over the age of 18 and if not can I recommend that you find a slightly less sexually explicit site to read. 🙂
Whilst I do feel I have a duty of care I would not want to stop any of you naughty people out there from reading me and whilst I’m on the subject if you want to ask me any questions in the comments the feel free and I’ll endeavour to do my best to answer you.
So on that thought I’ll leave you to have a wander round the site, enjoy yourself! 😉
Tags: Playstation Portable, Play Station Portable, web browsing, parental control, social responsibility, portable devices, wireless web browsing
If you truly are so open about your sexual experiences, why would you want to limit your viewing community by steering younger readers away?
The age of consent is there for a reason in all countries, to ensure that only individuals old enoungh to make an informed decision about what they read should access certain sites.
Above that age the right to choice applies but below it one has to ensure that those viewing any content on the web are equipped to interpret and use that knowledge. That ability comes with age, experience and maturity – no matter how bright a child is there are some things that they should not be introduced to via an adult themed website.
So censorship is acceptable?
Of course we agree with censorship.
In claiming the right to free expression one must also accept that you have the responsibility not to expose others to material that is inappropriate for their age or taste. Why should anyone be expect to be subjected to any content on the Internet that is inappropriate?
Censorship is not a dirty word when applied sensibly. It is a means by which freedom of expression can exist in a free society without rogue elements exploiting it for their own ends, or simply because they are incapable of exercising self-moderation. Creative minds often explore the very edges of what is acceptable or sane, and occasionally cross the line. It is only by pushing the boundaries that we grow and learn about ourselves. That does not mean that everyone who has crossed the boundary recognises that fact and therefore censorship in the form of peer review is entirely justified.
If you want an example of censorship gone wrong and a law that we disagree with you should familiarise yourself with the latest legislation in the UK at the pressure group “Backlashâ€. When government or any other agency seeks to stop consenting adults expressing themselves in private that has to be wrong. In a public forum however, be that the Internet, the media or elsewhere, moderation has to be applied to protect the rights of others.