Three-way Sex Advice

AssI spend quite a lot of my free time logged in to my favourite social networking site chatting to the guys who follow me here and read my sex toy reviews here.

I’ve found that they have developed a sense of trust in me and from time to time they inbox me with questions they would like my opinion on.  Some have been quite bizarre but others have been subjects I could get my teeth in to.

Consequently I thought I would share some of the more interesting ones with you all, in confidence of course, there will be no naming of those individuals concerned.

Just today I was asked “what’s you opinion on threesomes?  Because I have always wanted to try it but don’t know how to put it to my girlfriend without her thinking anything negative”.  Now that’s a question and a half.  Lol

The line I took on this was that it would be a good idea to get a feel for how his girlfriend feels about the idea, to perhaps bring it up in conversation, giving her a chance to express her opinion.  In this way she can be honest but not feel pressured in to giving you an “answer” rather than just her views.

Judgement can then be made based on her response as to whether she would be receptive to the idea and the conversation can begin.  I would certainly never make anyone feel they have to comply with my kink if they don’t want it themselves.

If you are considering bringing a third in to your relationship the foundations of your relationship have to be rock solid and considered.  Don’t fool yourself that there isn’t a risk of someone being hurt, sex is very rarely just about sex, there are feelings and potentially jealousy at stake.

Only you will know when you both have the trust to be able to enter in to a ménage à trois.