Filthy Mind
I must have a mind like a cess pit, in a permanent state of arousal. Suze can make a naughty quip about most things these days without a thought. It comes natural. Lol
It can sometimes get me in to sticky situations. See there I go again! 😉 If I’m in “non adult industry” company I have to bite my tongue. It was OK when I worked with the girls, they liked my naughty sense of humour and let’s face it they were as bad as me.
I miss Busty and Horny! *sigh*
Anyway, back to what I wanted to tell you. I was sitting reading through an adult publication with the radio playing low in the background. It keeps me company when I’m working in the office during the day.
And you know how things catch your attention. Well, I thought the lyrics of this song were actually “this is like a Fleshlight“. How bad is that! 😉
Have a listen and see what you think.