Little Insecurities

Adult Blog Hub featured a picture of Suze yesterday. Cheers guys 🙂 .

It got me thinking. What must it be like not being so relaxed about the idea of lots of people, men and women, ogling your woman’s bits and pieces? You see to me it’s OK. Suze always has the final say on what does or doesn’t get published so there’s no problem from her side. But I suppose for some men it would be a problem.

Perhaps I’m just secure in the knowledge that we trust each other to be open and honest in our relationship.

There are men at one end of the scale, jealous of every man who so much as glances at their other half. That must be nerve wracking, always on your guard, never trusting her when she’s out of your sight. Not the recipe for a great relationship. And unless the guy has real reason to suspect extracurricular activities on her part I suspect it says more about him than her.

We’re all prone to little insecurities, or big ones. “Does my bum look big in this?”, “How come I have laughter lines and I’m not laughing?”

So what’s your little insecurity?

Other News…

We are considering withdrawing from HNT until next year as participation seems to be dwindling on the run up to Christmas.  So next week may be our last one for a while.  But we will be back in the New Year.  In the meantime you can always see Suze in the Galleries which we will be updating over the coming weeks.

11 thoughts on “Little Insecurities

  1. My looks make me inssecure. I’ve always worried that I will be mocked for how I look. I’m also a complete scruffbag so I usually look a complete mess as well. Most of the time it’s insults about my hair that get me.

  2. When we were younger, I used to be cross with Emma that she always looked as if butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, not even allowing a bit of cleavage to show. She would let me take the most incredible photos, but they were strictly for our eyes only. It annoyed and upset me that, although she was abviously attractive, no-one knew how really sexy she was. I got used to it, but it still crossed my mind now and then. It is only since I started this blog that any man apart from myself has seen her the way I was allowed to all those years.

  3. I’m pretty secure with most things…I think it comes with age. The hangups I used to have (tits too small, legs too fat, ass too saggy, etc etc) have faded into insignificance. Now, if I’m going to worry about something, it’ll be whether people secretly think I am really dull! I wish I was as intelligent, or witty, or clever or mysterious or remarkable or magnetic as everyone else is. To me, I’m just plain old me. I wish I could see in myself what others say they see in me. Sorry Alex…am I rambling? God, I bored you, didn’t I? See what I mean? Lol.

  4. I think age is truly liberating – like waking up and thinking, “Do I really care? No. Do these people pay my bills? No. Do I owe them anything? No. So why the f*** should I care what they think?” That’s when I started really enjoying being me…. (It’s not meant to sound so arrogant!!) I also have the Raven to thank for never asking me to change anything about myself…. an experience I’d never known ante-Raven!

    BTW Alex, I have no idea why you aren’t getting my e-mails or I, yours and Suze’s.

  5. There are times when I am still quite insecure about certain things but in the past year I have met someone who has truly changed my outlook on myself and everything around me. I have become more open which gives me the ability to enjoy things I didn’t ordinarily. It helps greatly when you have someone who truly loves and cares for you as you are and does not try to change you… So I am happy now… Life is good…

  6. I’m insecure about my body. Pictures I post of myself are specific- and show very little of my body. I also hate my teeth. I never smile with full mouth open, even though I have great lips and what I’m told is a genuine smile.

  7. First please allow me to compliment Suze on such a lovely photograph. When the page first loaded the slight gasp in my throat was enough to tickle my imagination and draw me in! She’s exquisitely lovely! But you also raise some great points too. I think it’s wonderful thing that the both of you, and so many of us, are sexually open and realize that sex is good, healthy and is supposed to be fun! I can only use my own life and relationship to draw on here, and I have to say that my husband Jeff is quite comfortable with other men looking at my pictures and reading the often sexually explicit things I write about (as is my girlfriend Lisa btw too), but there are many out there who are possessive of their loved one’s bits and pieces as it were, and I think what it comes down to is communication and respect. I don’t think it’s a good thing if both people in the relationship aren’t comfortable with something. Clearly the both of you have so much respect for the other, but that I imagine is based on having a solid relationship with a foundation of trust. Looking at a picture is not the same as jumping into bed with someone! The best relationships are the ones where there’s mutual respect and trust… with that everything is possible. As for my own insecurities? I’ve become a bit more cautious as the popularity of my journal has grown. My name and picture are out there, but I’m a bit more hesitant to push those limits, so I tend to try and leave a bit more to the imagination these days. My husband still needs to go to work, and more importantly my son needs to go to school! So lately I’ve been more cognizant of those facts… not sure if that could be called insecurity, but I am more aware. For me personally, I’m okay with the displays I’ve posted, but they’re also layered in with other things so people aren’t exactly sure which ones are nina and which ones might not be nina! Hey, a girl has to have some secrets doesn’t she?

    Lovely post and a great way to look at it! And I’m sending you both much love and blessings from across the ocean!

    ps – Do you think it’s too late to talk to the Queen about taking the colonies back? Please?? 😆


  8. trust/ theres a topic.I have been with my man(common-law)14 yrs now and i have never cheated on him or gave him a reason not to trust me,However he is a very jellous person,even this technology we are on here,he hates the computer,partly because he doesnt know how to run it,i mean he cant even turn it on,and the mouse,lol it gets away on him.i have tried to show him how to do things but hes just not interested period.Anyhow there have been times i have been talking to my mother for instance,he has come and stood over my shoulder looking at the screen ,can see her name and asks”who you talkin to”?He has made comments about me being on the computer ,let me tell ya i have male friends that are mutual between the 2 of us,but i have no-one other than female friends on my buddy lists,he would flip,yes i talk to everyone in game room chats,male and female,we joke around and so on,nuthin major.He is aware that i read this blog,mind you if he knew i posted comments,especially this one or any that gives out details of our life or anything close to it,well he would freak.He’s always in a pissy mood when i am on the computer,but at the same time he likes to indulge in the beer so tit for tat i say.He once commented something to the effect of me screwin someone online,to which i responded,”well honey when u figure out a way that i can screw someone through this computer screen you let me know and i may give it a try”.its just stupidness as far as im concerned,we aren’t well off and half the ppl i chat with are hundreds of miles away,its not like im leavin on a plane tomorrow to go jump in the sac with someone,…..anyways its nice to see that the 2 of you have such an open and honest relationship and these types of problems dont burden you.
    as far as insecurities,i am big boned,with very large 42D breasts,i could stand to lose about 20 pounds off each one,i have a small ponch from child bearing that would be nice to tighten up after almost 16 yrs,but being big boned i realize im never going to be supermodel material,i can lose weight and never be the “ideal” size so why let it bring me down.Hubby still takes me in bed,and when hes not home i can always get myself off,so nothing to complain about here,and on that note i better shut up before i take up all ur comment section(lol)keep writing i kow you said u wont be doing much over the holidays,gonna miss you ,hopefully its not for 2 long,i sincerely enjoy reading.

    ps.never been with a woman ,my mother has been a lesbian as long as i can remember,wonder what he’d think if he knew the thought of another woman aroused me,im sure hed be insecure about that,probly even pissed,oh well we will keep that between us,hehehe…till next time hag1

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