Bizarre Sex In The Supermarket
We have been writing for this site now for the last 4 years and think we have encountered most of the things the Internet can throw at us. I had a bunny boiler a year or so ago who insisted in online heckling my posts. It did coincide with the school holidays so who knows. Lol.
I also am approached by followers on MySpace and other networking sites to exchange emails and chat with them. And boy have I come across some interesting people. 😉 I’ve been asked to provide images and flirt online with people. I look at it as being part of the workload required when you write for such an open online journal. And hey, it takes all sorts.
But today was a first. In the past we have had to ensure that nothing of a distasteful nature appeared on our listing sites, Adult Blog Hub and LicList as we have a duty to protect the public.
However today was a first and a particularly humorous one. I had to remove a site from LicList because it wasn’t adult. In fact the site was for a bakery in the Netherlands.
Now there is promotion and there is promotion. The only thing I want to rise on my site is…well, you know. 😉
Guess it brings a whole new meaning to ‘kneeding your dough’ LOL
love the title suze has a ring 2 xxxxx.