I Can Never Have Too Much Cock
I’m sure most of you know by now that I have a wickedly dirty sense of humour. My colleagues Busty and Horny at work can’t keep up with me sometimes. Lol I try to bring the subject of conversation round to sex and sexuality when ever I can. Well, it makes for a more interesting day at work doesn’t it. 😉
I have also at times come very close to giving myself away, proffering advice on adult products is dangerous. Especially when you are asked where they should purchase said product from. I would love to advise them to visit one of our sponsors but it would be like leaving a breadcrumb trail back to here.
One thing I don’t want to do is reveal my other life.
Lacking in subject matter to write about I decided to key naughty words in to google and see what it brought up for me. It’s a favourite of mine and can quite often lead to some interesting article subjects.
And tonight it brought up a site that makes that lovely plate at the top of this post. The artist is Romeo Lombardi, an Italian with a naughty sense of humour. Check out his work, it could be fun keeping the dust from settling on it. 😉
That is fantastic, handsome, and absolutely brilliant. I want one for my May Day celebrations.