Pinky Lee’s Candy Coated Fantasy

Pinky LeeCan You Walk Away From Porn?

I ask that question because several pornstars have attempted to do it, just hang up their heels and walk away…

The latest girl to turn her back on the adult industry is Alt-porn performer Pinky Lee, who has appeared in more than 100 fetish and bondage scenes. She has also done work fro Vivid-Alt, Burning Angel and Lazerbunny.

Her decision came about after she got engaged, she claims that she has good memories about her time in the industry but it has also caused a lot of problems in her daily life.

She is quoted as saying.

“I just want to live a nice normal life with my incredible fiance in our little gingerbread house, barefoot and pregnant baking brownies and knitting multicolored baby socks,” she said. “I also plan on winning a lot more pro bicycle races and getting more into my love for that scene, the competitions are fun and I love the sport.”

The thing is, once you have made yourself a life in the adult world I don’t think you can just walk away from it and not expect it to come back and bite you on the ass. There are lots of people out there who “know you for your work”. They are hardly liable to move on just because you have retired from the business are they?

I wish her well but somehow I can’t imagine it being a quiet life for her.

What do you think, can she have a life away from the adult industry?

2 thoughts on “Pinky Lee’s Candy Coated Fantasy

  1. Hell no! I honestly think that a career as a porn star should not be taken too lightly – it will inevitably haunt you for the rest of your life. We all like a good porno movie, but as hypocritical as it may sound, I don’t know if I would marry and/or have children with one… Imagine the kids go to school and their in that curious phase… And someone comes to school and announces that in this dad’s porn collection they have a movie with little Johnny’s mom in it…

    I don’t think I would high five my mom if I find out she was a porn star. Nor do I think my family would take it well if it were me having it on, on screen. I don’t critise or demote those who make the choice, but society is not very forgiving or tolerant. So best of luck to those who do, do it on screen – we all love it and get off on it 🙂 but hey: don’t be naive enough to be believe you can walk away from it with out serious consequences.

  2. Will, I totally agree with you. I think most pornstars marry within the industry for just such a reason but I don’t know how you would protect your kids.

    It highlights how making such decisions when you are young and carefree can impact heavily when you are older.

    Thanks for contributing to this post.

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