Too Much Grinding
I am totally knackered after the week I’ve had. It’s been rather stressful and we’ve both been feeling a bit run down. Luckily I have a long weekend to try and recover a little but we’re sure to fill it with work on the sites so that’s not a lot of consolation.
Let me elaborate. Last weekend I finished the re-write on the new LicList. Apart from a slight glitch discovered this week in the sign-up process it’s gone very well so if you want to read or join you can visit our very own sex blog listing here.
Then I’ve been busy at work and at home I’m working on lots of other good stuff for the sites which will be appearing over the coming months. Of course we can’t let our regular bouts of R & R be eroded so regular sex is still on the cards. Enjoyable but tiring.
But the thing that really has made me exhausted this week has been worrying about the car. Stress and worry make me feel exhausted and Thursday brought it all to a head when the garage rang to confirm that the noise coming from my gearbox is in fact terminal and will cost more than the car is worth to put it right.
So between grinding through the work at the office and home, grinding with Suze at night and the horrible grinding of metal in my car’s gearbox I’ve little energy left and feel a bit vacant.