Is Masturbation Deviant?

Rachel WeiszYou will have to forgive me for not knowing who the hell Rachel Weisz is, after all I’m not much of a film buff nor one of those people who has to indulge themselves in the trite celebrity gossip magazines.  Lol

I just read that she is filming Agora in which she plays the fourth century Egyptian philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria.  Apparently she begged director Alejandro Amenabar to include a scene in which she masturbates.

She apparently wanted to show Hypatia’s deviancy.

What?  Since when is it deviant to masturbate?

I think Miss Weisz needs to reconsider that statement…

You can read the full story here

One thought on “Is Masturbation Deviant?

  1. Well maybe that’s the way masturbation makes her feel! lol. Any way I’ll tune in for that!

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