Pussy Slap
I enjoy watching porn on two completely different levels. Of course there is the sexual stimulation level and the other is the production level, including acting and direction. Bad scripting can kill a scene, I know were not talking BAFTA award winning productions here but if it’s poorly done then you may as well not bother. Lol
The other day I reviewed a DVD over *here* which could be categorised as being an ill conceived idea which was executed appallingly. I found watching it didn’t turn me on but into a film critic which isn’t exactly what you watch porn for.
Another real downer within porn are some of the practices which seem to have been adopted as industry standards and include throat grabbing, spitting on everything, gurning, asthmatic breathing, single finger fucking and last but not least pussy slapping.
Where did they get the idea that slapping someone across the clitoris and labia turns them on? When I tried it I got a sting just as you would from a slap, which didn’t turn me on at all as I’m not in to that kind of stuff.
For some people watching porn is an introduction in how to behave with a woman or even the only tuition a virgin may have. Can you imagine on their first date they have a lovely evening out then he goes back for a coffee. They make their way to the bedroom throw themselves on the bed in a clinch.
They hastily undress and fondle, kiss and then he decides to deliver a pussy slap to her intimate parts. Ouch! If he did that to me my gut response would probably be to slap him back. I’m sure you’ll agree not a good start to a relationship.
Take heed guys, porn can be totally misleading…
– Throat grabbing: huge turn off
– Spitting on everything: huge turn off
– Gurning: WTF? I actually had to Google that. Now that I know: just plain stupid (who does this actually appeal to?)
– Asthmatic breathing: weird / call the ambulance
– Single finger fucking: contrived
– Last but not least pussy slapping: Have to agree, this can’t be good. I have never met anyone who wanted their pussy slapped.
“For some people watching porn is an introduction in how to behave with a woman or even the only tuition a virgin may have.”
That’s the truth. And given that _all_ young men seem to be exposed to porn (see: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/relationships/6709646/All-men-watch-porn-scientists-find.html) there is the potential for some really bad misconceptions.
Personally I learned about sex and sexuality from books like The Joy of Sex long before I came across porn, so I consider myself lucky to have had a “sex-positive” influence in my life when I was young.
I can just imagine a generation who think that “gurning” is the height of sexual prowess, t’s too funny to even contemplate!
For those reasons, I’m glad I came to video-porn later in our sex life.
have to agree with you suze hope this comment doesnt get deleted lol x
“porn can be totally misleading”
Surly that should be “is” (and always has been) not “can”.
yeah the trouble with porn,is its not the real world,its a turn on watching it,but too much of it,can create the wrong impression,and will give u the wrong idea about the real world,but yes u r right suze,slapping intimate parts is not a turn on,but i like the piece,it very well written,well done suze,a good read.xxx.
Another well written and thought provoking piece Suze, its the same with anal in porn they just ram it home no lube and fuck away! In reality you cant do that! Porn is great at times but if your a bit nieve you could easily be mislead x