Continuous Sex, Keep It Cumming

We were a bit nervous yesterday as we were having the server on which Adult Blog Hub runs upgraded. Everything seems OK thankfully, ABH and Sex-Press sites stayed up, phew!

If you don’t know about Adult Blog Hub it’s a sex blog directory that allows user to register links o their own sites and individual posts. All that’s required in return is a link back to ABH. There’s also a Toplist which counts the number of visitors from each site, ranking the user’s sites on this and Sex-Press which is a listings site driven by RSS feeds on blogs.

Of course it’s sex blogs only, there are plenty of directories for other types of blog and they don’t generally accept blogs with adult content.

If you’re looking for adult content then pop across to Adult Blog Hub and Sex-Press, and if you have a blog they why not register yourself?

One thought on “Continuous Sex, Keep It Cumming

  1. I wish men had more sex toys. you girls have it easy. you do not have to get it up or prefome . I wish all I had to do was rub and moan. I am pumping with vac cylinder now but it does not do it. only makes me hard and wanting it more. 6″ x 6″ want more

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